I am here for you as a licensed professional counselor available for individual as well as marital and family counseling with a diverse career scope, which includes extensive experience in healing the wounded soul.
We can explore your issues through Narrative Therapy or educational training through Cognitive Behavioral Techniques. Or for those who desire to explore deep emotional issues, my training in “Inner healing” techniques can help you process events to as deep a level as you desire to journey. I look forward to working alongside you through this life journey.
Barb Vetter
Look for my upcoming book, “Renewed Soul.” It will give you hope and help you gain skills to obtain healthy emotions. Improve your thinking skills to gain a healed mindset.
Encourage yourself with my self-coaching booklets: Aware, Fears, and Trust.
Barbara Vetter, LPCC — Call now for a consultation: 330-620-1454
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